Wednesday, December 5, 2012

You Smell: Celebrity Perfume

Okay, this is kind of embarrassing. A little. Maybe? But anyway, this is my "signature scent" or whatever. The perfume I wear most of the time when I wear perfume. It's Live Luxe by Jennifer Lopez.

I mean, if I were going to be all fancy and spendthrift, I would wear this, instead. But this JLo shit actually smells really, really good. Give it a shot. It's surprising. The last time I bought it was when I randomly decided to ask the guy at the counter in JC Penney if they had any, and for some reason it was on sale for $8. It was like fate, so I bought two bottles. Usually it's $20-40.

And for what it's worth, dudes always comment on how good I smell when I wear it. I mean, not creepy stranger dudes, but the ones I want to sleep with and/or have slept with.

What's your favorite affordable scent?

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