Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Question: Has anyone used Smith's Rosebud Salve? Is it amazing?

I bought some for my sister for Xmas recently, because I know she likes it. But I bought two tubs of it, and I can't decide if I should keep one for myself or just give them both to her.

Is it amazing? Like really? Like as good as Palmer's Cocoa Butter, which is what I usually use, and love?



  1. I have and it is. I use it on my lips and cuticles.

    1. Ohhhh no. I had almost decided to give it away! Now I am torn again. (Thanks!)

  2. I've used the C. O. Bigelow one too. As far as I can tell they're almost exactly the same. I love them; I use them on my lips and wherever I have disastrously dry skin. One of the little tins will last you forever- I've had this one for about a year!

    1. Great! I know my sister loved the C.O. Bigelow one, so maybe I will give this one a shot.


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