Sunday, January 26, 2014

Makeup Withdrawal reviews the shadiness that is Sephora's VIP Rouge program

I don't have this "status" with Sephora, as a cheapo, but I think it's always good to pass along information about shitty business practices.


  1. Wow, that's really shitty! I doubt I'd ever make it to that level, but the supposed free shipping would have been a nice incentive, especially since most of my online purchases fall under $50. My mind is blown by the cancelled orders! If they don't want to ship small orders for free, how hard would it be to have a minimum purchase amount to qualify?

    1. Yeah, or as one commenter on that post mentions, limit it to one free order per week or even month if they don't want people to "abuse" it. That would still be a decent perk. This way they look really bad.

  2. Huh. I'm just a regular VIB, and I've had no problems with the program, and have gotten some nice perks/goodies from it. Good to know, though.

    1. Well, that's good. I reached that level at Ulta this year, so we'll see if anything good comes of it. I can't see myself using the salon services, because the only store in town are out of the way for me.


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