I wasn’t there to research makeup, but I definitely put this shit to the test. I have practically invisible eyebrows, so I look like I have more of a face if I draw them in. I could never get eyebrow pencil to not look weird on me, though. This stuff is really easy to use. Just sort of comb the waxy stuff through your brows, and then swipe the powder over it to set it. I used this every day during a crazy heat wave in Rome, through several hours in the sun, soaked in disgusting sweat, and I still had eyebrows when I got home at the end of the day. It’s good stuff. And only $3.
I use the light shade, and it looks great whether I have blonde or red hair. Somehow it just seems to coordinate and look natural.
I think I’ve mentioned this before, but if you order stuff from the e.l.f. website, there’s almost always some crazy sale/bonus offer going on, in addition to free shipping.
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