Sunday, July 13, 2014

You're sciencing wrong: Sunscreen does not cause cancer (from I Fucking Love Science)

You might have seen an article going around Facebook and other places claiming that a recent major study has shown that wearing sunscreen can give you cancer. You might have been thinking, "Oh shit." Calm yourself. I had a moment of apprehension myself, before I took a closer look. (Or you might have been thinking from the beginning, "That's bullshit," in which case, yes, very good, you're very smart and special.)

This post from I Fucking Love Science (brilliant blog name, obviously) debunks the scaremongering anti-sunscreen bullshit. There's lots of good stuff in there, but this is one of the most important parts, I think:
"The claim that more people who use sunscreen develop melanoma is based on a study that tracked sun exposure and sunscreen use in nearly 1500 people over a span of two years. The results did show that those who used sunscreen were more likely to develop melanoma, but there was a massive caveat left out of RF’s article. The median sun protection factor (SPF) was 6 (the CDC recommends SPF 15 or higher) and those who used sunscreen the most spent considerably more time in the sun than those who rarely use sunscreen.
RF’s implication that sunscreen is causing the melanoma is dead wrong; the paper itself states “sunscreen use, by permitting more time sunbathing, is associated with melanoma occurrence,” particularly when using sunscreen with a low SPF that isn’t as protective." 
Correlation is not causation and all that. People wore low SPF sunscreen, felt like that meant they could sunbathe longer, and ended up with melanoma. The sunscreen did not cause the melanoma. Sigh. It's a typical misreading of what some scientific study actually says.

Yes, you need Vitamin D. You can get that from the sun. You can also get it in your diet. If you want to get it from the sun, you don't need to spend a ton of time baking to get what you need. The epidemiologist in this article says that pale people (like me) only need a few minutes of sun exposure a day, tan/medium skin tones could use 15-20 minutes, and people with dark skin tones need quite a bit more, maybe 6 times as much as the pale people (6 x "a few" = 18 to 24 minutes?). It all depends on how much clothing you're wearing, what time of day it is, etc. Still, that does not mean never wear sunscreen. I mean, if you don't want to, it's your call. Not everyone has the same risk for skin cancer, and not everyone cares about their skin showing the ominous "signs of aging", and that's cool. But don't avoid sunscreen because you think it's cancerous. Personally, I always wear it on my face and neck, because if I'm going to be pasty anyway, I might as well try to avoid skin damage. But I don't wear it on other parts of my body on a regular basis - only when I'm going to be in the sun for more than 20 minutes at a time. I'll get my Vitamin D walking to the market or whatever.

Anyway, you're all smart people and you didn't need me to tell you all this, but sometimes it's nice to have a link like this IFLS one to paste into the comments of your annoying cousin's Facebook status about how he's been right all along not to wear sunscreen because all the rest of you are going to get cancer and he's not, see? SHEEPLE.


  1. THIS IS MY #1 PET PEEVE. I am a sunscreen devotee, being pasty as fuck and prone to burning in minutes. I've had so many people tell me, upon seeing me reapply, "Didn't you know that sunscreen causes cancer?" SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LET ME NOT BURN IN PEACE.

    1. Yeah, I've said before that sunscreen is my religion - though I try not too preach TOO much (except to my boyfriend who has to just deal with it). But I have seen this "sunscreen=cancer" claim come from some people who really should know better.

  2. I hate to be the asshole of the bunch but I'm pretty sure there's a study some where saying everything will eventually give you cancer...possibly. I hate to break the news but we're all gonna die someday (told you I'm an asshole).. I just mean that I don't think there's one God damn thing someone didn't say will give you cancer at one point and just about every report contradicts one another and the cancer causing articles that should be seen aren't because they don't go facebook viral. Sorry for the rant but I know a woman that smoked ciggarettes for AT LEAST 10+ years that had the nerve to mention this "fact" to me when I was asking someone else for their sunscreen preference...I shit you not. I didn't know if I wanted to laugh or cry...just..ugh.
    on a side note what's your favorite facial sunscreen?

    1. Yes, lots of things are dangerous/toxic in high enough concentrations, but fine when used properly. Like the sun and sunscreen.

      My favorite is this one, all the way (and I've tried MANY): It's not the cheapest, but it's the only one I like enough to know that I will use it consistently, so it's worth it (and the bottle lasts like 6 months+ used daily on my face).

  3. Um, I totally needed you to tell me this. Someone whose opinion I trust quite a lot recently on a spree about the sunscreen/melanoma dramarama and listed a bunch of physical sunblocks to try instead. I like my Neutrogena and VICHY, thanks.

    1. I have seen it repeated by several seemingly not-crazy people! It's frustrating.


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