
Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Sparkle Eyes: Review of G9SKIN Pink Blur Hydrogel Eyepatches

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Review of G9SKIN Pink Blur Hydrogel Eyepatches

Has it really been since the middle of November that I last blogged? Shit. Well, I have the excuse that I moved (AGAIN) from Texas to southern California during that time, and then there were the holidays, but really I just hadn't been feeling as motivated and creative as I could have been. Today I actually felt like writing a blog post again, so here we are. I hope the impulse will continue!

I'm reviewing a type of product, gel eye patches soaked in essence, that is new to me, but is probably very familiar to K-beauty veterans. Patches that stick below your eyes aren't actually a new invention, and they're not strictly Asian in origin. I had these squishy patches from Klorane at least a decade ago, though they aren't drenched in liquid, and they cost more for just seven pairs than for the entire jar I'm reviewing here.

I picked these up because the change in environment between the Midwest and Texas seemed to be making the sunken area under my eyes more pronounced, and I wanted to see if I could plump it up a bit. (See my misguided attempt to use The Ordinary's serum here.) There are a number of eye masks or patches that claim to help with this sort of thing, but the G9 Skin Pink Blur Hydrogel Patches had the combined advantages of only costing about $15 for a jar of 120 (!) and being available from Amazon. (Possibly cheaper elsewhere, so shop around.)

Review of G9SKIN Pink Blur Hydrogel Eyepatches

As you can see, you get a well-sealed jar with a little spatula, and it's full of soupy essence. There are two different sizes of patches, so you can take your pick--or use the big ones below your eye and the small ones on your upper eyelid. The patches are gelatinous and very slippery, so you definitely need the spatula to scoop them out. They are sparkly and mesmerizing, but the glitter is part of the patches themselves, so it doesn't transfer to your skin (unfortunately?).

Here's how it looks on my face:

Since the patches are so wet, they tend to slide around a bit. I've had the best luck with them if I lie down on my back while they're on, but they still require occasional adjustment. (I've read some reviews of these things that claim they are very dry, which, as you can see from the photo above, isn't at all the case with my jar. Quality control issues?) Other than being slimy and wiggly and a little creepy-feeling, I find these patches comfortable. They don't irritate my skin or eyes. I leave them on for 20-30 minutes as recommended, and then remove them and pat or rub in the little bit of fluid that's left behind. I tend to add another moisturizer on top after everything has absorbed.

While these patches contain "8 kinds of berries" low on the ingredients list, which are supposed to brighten and "revitalize," the star ingredient here is really the glycerin. Glycerin is an excellent humectant, which can attract and hold moisture in the skin. That's really what you need for a plumping effect. (You can read the full list on CosDNA.)

Here's my under-eye area before and after using the patches for about 25 minutes. Apologies for the grainy photos, but this is the kind of thing I tend to do indoors at night, so I tried to at least get consistent lighting.



Can you tell a difference? I think there is an ever-so-slight improvement in the lines under my eyes, which could result from the plumping effects of extra moisture. I will say that the skin does feel a bit bouncier and moister after using them, but all these effects are temporary, of course. They don't do anything for my dark circles, naturally--only concealer will help those.

Do you need these? I think if you have a moisturizer that you like using around your eyes, these patches aren't going to do a whole lot more. They are fun, though, and since they do some good and no harm, I've been enjoying them. And I have so many left that they're going to last a very, very long time.

Do you use any special products on your undereyes, or are you of the camp that anything that's good enough for the rest of your face is good enough for them too?


  1. I can see a slight difference beteeen your before and after pictures in fullness. It’s neat that they are so affordable for so many.

    I didn’t notice a difference with the Klorane eye patches but that was also just a single pair from Birchbox. Overall I’m skeptical of any visible effects of sheet masks/eye masks on my skin but I do often fall for that “treat yourself” aspect.

    1. I mainly used the Klorane patches when I'd been crying and wanted to soothe my puffy eyes--opposite of this! haha But yeah, I'm not a big sheet mask person either. For the most part I'd rather just apply a serum or lotion an be done with it. I guess the mask seals in the moisture and makes it stay on your skin longer to absorb.
