
Friday, May 12, 2017

Super Shady: So Choix has disappeared

So this is weird. So Choix, as of some time today, has gone offline. They didn't notify their subscribers or refund any money. Their website is gone, emails are bouncing back, social media has been taken down, etc. I can't think it's possibly an accident, because their social media account wouldn't have been shut down at the same time as the site/email in that case.  I took down all of my So Choix posts (fortunately my subscription ended a few months ago). I had only good experiences, and didn't see this coming, but I apologize if you subscribed at my recommendation and got screwed over by them. You should definitely do a chargeback with your bank if you had a subscription, and I hope that will work! Ugh.

There's a conversation about it on Reddit here. Apparently people got tracking numbers, etc., within just the last few days!

ETA: There's a message where their website used to be saying that they shut down due to the "difficult economic environment" and that you can contact with questions.


  1. Oh man, I remember reading about So Choix's weird emails on Reddit a couple of months ago! I hope that everyone who subscribed to them gets their money back. :/ It's a shame, because it seemed like a pretty cool service in theory.

    1. ...though is it possible they got in legal trouble for selling samples from other brands? I wonder if one of those brands registered a complaint.

    2. It seems like they were struggling for a while, but that is a possibility. Could a company have threatened to sue? But I don't know on what grounds.

  2. WHOA. After that ridiculous email I was pretty skeptical, but I wouldn't have expected this! I had one month left on my subscription (and I wanted to use some of my credit! Boo!). I'm sad they're gone, because I liked getting to try things...

  3. I've read some comments from people saying they got their money back, others saying their bank won't back our charges if it's been over 60 days.

    I spammed an email about this after I got off of work but before I actually read this post (sorry!)

    1. No, thank you for letting me know about it. I only heard about it because someone else sent me a message on Facebook!

  4. Whoa. I subscribed for several months during my blog hiatus and was happy with them, but had cancelled a bit ago because they didn't have any more samples I was particularly interested in. My last box took forever to ship (& I got the super long email explanation) and it arrived recently - maybe a week or two ago I think. I could look it up.

    I wonder if auxiliary beauty is right about the samples - they sold brands and items that were supposedly Sephora and Ulta exclusives, so perhaps they got shut down for unauthorized resale?

    I doubt it was a long term deliberate scam, but if people lose money that's the effect anyway.

    1. Yeah, I really hope people get their money back. They always had such good customer service, but I know CSAs aren't exactly responsible for the financial side of things.

  5. I never did So Choix, in part because I'm a bit over most sample services and in part because I thought it was kind of weird that it seemed like someone just poured some product into a tube and sent it off. At least with ipsy or Birchbox you're getting proper factory samples you know came from the brand.

  6. Whoa! I was just three months into my yearly subscription...
