
Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Introducing Pyxis & Spatula!

Just a quick note to let you know that I've started my new blog about ancient beauty, which is called Pyxis & Spatula. I got some great suggestions for titles, and obviously I ended up not using them, but they were really helpful at getting me thinking, so thank you! (Who knows, I might get sick of the name and change it eventually. Wouldn't be the first time.)

Why did I start a new blog when I sometimes struggle to update this one on a regular basis? That's a good question. But I'm excited about it anyway, and I don't think it will actually cut into my blogging time here.

You can read my introductory post here, or check out the most recent post here. Thanks for all your support, and please let me know if there's anything you'd like me to write about there!


  1. Already following. My nerdy side loves history, my girly side loves beauty. Mixed together you have what could have been on the history channel if they didn't go all reality tv all the time.

    1. Thank you! Good point--I bet a historical makeover show would be a total hit! Instead we get ice road truckers . . .
