
Wednesday, August 17, 2016

"We believe Glossier is more than just beauty or beauty products. It’s a way of life."

Also: “We’re all feminists and we’re all fired up about the movement we’re leading.”

I have to admit that Glossier's branding and products appeal to me in almost zero ways. For instance, I am neither cool nor a girl, much less a cool girl. (I am slightly curious about the skin tint, but not enough to buy it.) But this profile of the brand is interesting.


  1. Urgh, major cringes. I have never been cool and I don't give a shit. And that's the real cool, amirite? :D

    1. Haha according to Marge Simpson, you're right.

  2. I expect there's a space in hell where the cool girls sit around looking bored and slightly disheveled while devils tell them "no white after Labor Day" and "your shoes and handbags must match."

  3. I'm trying to shake off my bitterness about Glossier. They don't make products for me and that's fine, and tbh that bitterness is probably just making me break out more. I don't read Into the Gloss so I'm able to bypass most of the marketing. It's just so.. mmph, like a clique of beautiful smart young women have discovered the secret to both money and power is offering a buy-in to their group, a way of selling being a beautiful smart young woman by putting the "being" in a bottle. Not that anyone who buys Glossier products believes that's what they're getting, but I can't interpret their marketing as anything other than a clique offering a way to purchase its image. Props to them for their shade range, though.

    1. Yes, I totally agree. I mean, in some way, what they are selling should appeal to me, because I like natural-looking base products and stuff that isn't fiddly. And yet there's the suggestion that this is for "girls" who roll their eyes at "girls" who spend too much time or energy on their makeup, so I just can't get into it. Even the packaging design that everyone praises leaves me cold.
