
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

My favorite dry shampoo: Batiste Cherry

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Batiste Cherry dry shampoo review

I use dry shampoo pretty regularly. I have what I think is best described as combination hair: oily at the roots, dry at the ends. Because it's oily, I can't do that whole thing where you don't wash your hair for 4-5 days that I always see recommended on blogs. It would get nasty. I know people say if you stop washing your hair as frequently, it stops being as oily, but I don't know if I believe that--and I am not willing to go a few weeks with smelly, greasy hair to test that theory. If you have been endowed with hair the "looks better the second day," I fully admit my jealousy. Without dry shampoo, if I wash my hair before bed the night before, it's limp and stringy by the following late afternoon or evening. With dry shampoo, I can go between 36-48 hours without washing my hair, but that's it. I'm fine with that. I try to stretch it out to those 48 hours so that I can avoid drying out the rest of my hair with excessive washing, and that's where dry shampoo fits into my routine.

So it serves a definite function, but at the same time, I know that I don't need to keep buying cans of it for $6, because lots of less expensive substances, like corn starch, will work just about as well. That's what I used to use before I even knew that dry shampoo in a can existed. The advantage of a simple loose powder, other than cost, is that it doesn't create a cloud around your head that you have to avoid inhaling. The disadvantage is that it's messier and harder to distribute evenly than an aerosol. I also prefer my dry shampoo to have a nice scent, and though I've thought about ways to add fragrance to corn starch, I've never got around to actually experimenting with that. I end up going back to dry shampoo cans, even though I sometimes think I shouldn't.

Accordingly, I've reviewed a lot of dry shampoos on this blog. Some of them good, some of them terrible, but I kept trying new ones, because I felt like there had to be one out there that ticked all the boxes for me: pleasant but not overwhelming fragrance that doesn't make me cough or sneeze, doesn't leave powdery residue on my scalp, absorbs oil, doesn't give a bad texture to my hair, doesn't make my hair look dull, adds a little volume, easy to spread though the hair and brush out. I've used some dry shampoos do well on some or most of those requirements, but there was almost always something not quite right.

Lots of people recommended Batiste, but I'd tried their original scent ages ago and didn't like it, so I sort of ruled them out. Most of the other scent descriptions don't sound like things I would like: "wild" (i.e. vanilla and musk) or "blush" etc. But I do like fruity scents, so long as the fruit isn't apple or watermelon. Or banana. Or coconut or raspberry. I'm really picky about fragrance, apparently. An unpleasant perfume can ruin an otherwise decent product for me. I'd never seen the Cherry scent in a store, but I noticed it one day last fall on Ulta's website and decided to go for it. It was an excellent choice, because this dry shampoo covers all the bases for me. So, to repeat myself for eeeeemphasis, these are all the things I like about Batiste Cherry Dry Shampoo:
  • Smells good, but not overpowering.
  • Not messy.
  • Doesn't leave white residue on my scalp or roots.
  • Absorbs oil well.
  • Easy to distribute evenly through hair and to brush out.
  • Leaves my hair feeling soft and normal, not rough or stiff. Easy to run my fingers through my hair after using it.
  • Adds a little volume.
  • Leaves my hair looking as shiny as it ordinarily is rather than dulling the shine at the roots/crown.
  • Can matches my blog's color scheme. (Obviously the most important feature.)
Here are the requisite awkward before and after photos of the top of my head. Before (24 hours after washing):

After (just looks like normal, clean hair, I think):

If I had to come up with a criticism, it's that sometimes I find the fragrance that lingers in my bathroom after I use it a little strong. Other days, I'm not sure why I had a problem with it. I think it just depends on my mood. It is a slightly floral, cherry scent, a bit like the opening, very ephemeral notes of Escada's Cherry in the Air perfume. If you don't like the taste/smell of cherry candy, then you should probably choose a different scent.

I reviewed this stuff on Instagram last year, but then I decided to use up all my old, inferior dry shampoos before buying any more. I almost made it through them, but I do still have a little bit of that Klorane dry shampoo to finish. I picked up my latest (third) can of Batiste when Target had a beauty sale recently, because Target seems to sell it for slightly cheaper than most other places to begin with ($6). It costs the same amount in store or online at Target, unlike some things they sell, and I have actually seen the Cherry variety on the shelves there recently. Amazon has it for $6 right now too.

So that's it! I've found my favorite, and as of now I plan to keep using this until I become ambitious and responsible enough to DIY a scented corn starch, I guess.


  1. I use Batiste Cherry too! I've tried Not Your Mother's (heavy, residue that made me look horribly aged, smell that gave me migraines) and Herbal Essences's (not awful minty scent, otherwise same flaws). Though honestly, if my hair looked as good as yours 24 hours post-wash, I'd feel blessed. No dry shampoo has ever fully knocked out how intensely oily my skin is. I like Batiste, but it doesn't really make my hair look clean, more like acceptably not filthy. Still the best I've tried.

    1. I remember that I've tried NYM and also Psssst in 2013, but I guess I didn't review them. Obviously I didn't like them enough to buy them again (I remember that much), but I don't know way--and it annoys me that I skipped reviewing some of the dry shampoos I've used. This isn't the worst before shot I've had, but it felt pretty dirty when I took it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I always find Batiste at TJ Maxx if you have one near you- all different scents including the cherry. I bought the brunette dry shampoo and am so so on it. I'm really not loving the smell either, but that's because I'm used to the Oscar Blandi powder which has such a nice light scent.

    1. That's good to know! I don't make it to TJ Maxx very often. Is it cheap there? The beauty section at the nearest one to me is always really badly picked over, though. I like the scent of OB too, but I don't find it as effective as Batiste.

  4. I'm a big fan of this one as well. I recently received the Perfect Hair Day one in my birchbox and wow. It's so good but is so expensive. I'll stick to Batiste.

    1. I don't think I will be trying that one unless I somehow get a free sample!

  5. I love Batiste dry shampoo. I use the one for red hair, and although a bit messy, it's works better than any others I have tried. I pick it up for $6 at Marshalls or TJMaxx.

    1. I haven't tried the colored ones. I've used this since I dyed my hair a darker brown, though, and didn't see any white residue, so I'm pretty happy with that!
