
Thursday, September 17, 2015

Quick question: Fall colors

I wanted to post a full, real something today, and I have about a dozen draft posts started, but my brain is tired. I can't muster the energy to write something worthy. Yet I still feel the urge to blog, so let me ask you a question. Or questions.

Do you change the colors you use when the seasons change? Do you go darker or more muted for fall, for instance, instead of the bright colors you bring out in summer? I'm talking about makeup, clothes, home decoration, any any other place you might switch up your color scheme.

If so, what are your fall colors this year? Do they change each year, or do you follow the same general cycle year after year?

If not, is it because you use the same few colors all year round? Or is there something else behind your unseasonableness.

Personally, I don't think I choose colors seasonally, for the most part. I did want coral for this summer, but I don't know if that was because summer was coming or just because I wanted coral. Lighter or brighter colors don't necessarily feel wrong to me in colder seasons and darker or more subdued colors have a place in spring and summer. I choose based more on my daily mood or flashes of inspiration or what I have to do that day or who the fuck knows why.

How about you?


  1. I do gravitate towards darker and seasonal shades in fall/winter, but then again, so does my wardrobe. If I'm wearing black a lot, I might change things up with a hot pink mani or something that pops against that neutral gloom. Since I don't like to change up the nails as much as I used to, I try to stick to a colour nowadays that generally works with anything. LIKE GOLD GLITTER.

    1. Yes, gold is always in season! I do sometimes avoid black clothing on the hottest days of summer if I'm going to be outside, but that's just for practical reasons.

  2. I didn't think that I did. Right up until this year when I started putting away my darker lipsticks and nail polishes when spring came around. And now I'm gravitating back towards them. The think is, I don't know if this is me being influenced by marketing and trends or just that I like those colors more in the fall/winter. It also isn't hard and fast, I've done dark plum lips in mid-summer I just tend to do it less often then I do in the winter.

    1. It's weird when you can't tell if you're being influenced by trends and what you're seeing other people doing or not. That happens to me a lot - I usually just assume I am being influenced, but try not to fall for it too hard.

  3. I wear predominately black year round because I'm very uncreative and goth. But I tend to wear more colorful eyeshadow in the fall, especially things in the red family. Though I think that's more due to temperature change than anything else, as I like to spend more time on my makeup when I know it won't melt off my face.

    1. Yes, climate makes a difference, that's important. I tend to wear more makeup in general in colder weather for that reason too, so I guess by default I wear more color. I wish I could wear red eyeshadow! I can't even wear slightly reddish plum. And I've tried all the tricks, like blocking it off with eyeliner, etc. It's just not going to work for me.

  4. I thought about it for a while, and realized the only real color change I make is that in fall/winter, I wear more navy, brown, and dark gray (clothing), mostly because the majority of things I have in those colors are sweaters and other winter-appropriate gear, where I have things in black for every season. Otherwise, I wear mostly combinations of neutrals and EYE SEARING COLORS (my favorite non-neutral colors are acid green, electric blue, and cherry red) year-round, because my coloring doesn't change much season to season (pale, blue eyes, dark hair streaked with gray).

    My house decor stays the same year round aside from holiday-appropriate lights, because I'm not much on decorating, so once I find things I like I just keep them out all year. (So I have bunny sculptures on permanent display. Maybe this Christmas I'll put Santa hats on them.)

    I don't generally polish my fingernails, but I do my toes, and I generally favor blues and greens year-round. And I don't wear makeup for everyday, so I have a standard look for when I do wear it (sheer neutral-ish shimmery eyeshadow, like silver, taupe, white, or similar, over the whole eye area because I'm not good with eyeshadow, purple eyeliner because it brings out the blue of my eyes, red lips ranging from sheer balm to metallic crayon or sparkle gloss depending on the occasion because if you couldn't already tell I'm not much for subtle) and that's pretty much the same all year too.

    Huh. I guess I'm boring, although I prefer to think of it as, I know what I like. I also drink hot cocoa, hot apple cider, and milkshakes regardless of the weather, and will eat breakfast food any time of the day or night. I do love living somewhere with all 4 seasons, though! (Despite the fact that spring here lasts approximately 30 seconds.)

    1. It's true, sweaters and such do tend to just come more often in browns and grays and burgundies, etc., so I definitely have lots of those. But what you describe doesn't sound boring at all to me. It sounds like a lot of variety, just not seasonally determined variety!

    2. Aww, you're sweet! I suppose I do get my variety in other ways than seasonal. Like, every 5 years or so, I go from borderline-masculine pixie cut to mid-back-length hair and back again, but at each growth stage I tend to wear the same style every day, based on what my hair likes to do at each length and my tolerance for hair touching me (in case you were wondering, the progression is generally: Tenth Doctor spikebangs > headband over smooth bangs, fluffed crown > bangs clipped to the side > comb band + ponytail > bun). I suspect if I wore makeup more often, I'd do more seasonal variations, but with less than a dozen wears a year, it never occurred to me... this post has been really interesting, to see what everyone else does!
      (If I do put Santa hats on my bunny sculptures, I'll come back and post y'all a picture of them with me in sparkly red lipgloss and an eye-searing outfit :D )

    3. Your hair sounds amazing. Yes, I've found the responses really interesting too. You tend to read/hear a lot of stuff about dressing for fall or fall makeup this time of year, which makes sense, because what's being sold tends to shift seasonally. But then I wasn't sure if I was odd for not personally changing up my look too much when the seasons change, or whether there was a more even divide between people who do and people who don't. And I really like hearing people's explanations for their choices.

    4. I came all the way back to this post because today I had some really epic Tenth Doctor hair and thought you might want to see it:
      I may not always be the best looking gal, but my hair is tall like whoa.
      And as long as I'm here, my favorite picture of myself from the past few years, showing off the headband look that goes so well with "about to murder a pie with my face":
      so... yeah.

    5. I love your hair! Thanks for sharing. I haven't had my hair that short since high school. I'm actually trying to grow it longer now, because this in-between thing I have going on now is boring me.

    6. Thank you! Your hair suits you, but I could see you with longer hair too, and getting bored with it is an excellent reason for a change!

  5. I'm embarrassingly religious about seasonal colors. I'm originally from Boston, but I moved to San Francisco when I was seven, and I longed for "real seasons" every year until I came back to the East Coast for school. Now that I have real seasons again, I want to do them up properly, you know? There are certain colors that I like to wear year-round, but I have spring/summer and fall/winter versions of them, e.g. bright purple lipstick for summer and deep plum for fall. It's been in the mid-80s for the past few days, but I'm clinging to a modified fall palette even so. I haven't brought out the big guns yet (dark brown nail polish, burgundy lipstick), and it's too hot for serious eye makeup, but I've been enjoying soft plums on my face and nails. As for clothing, I wear black, navy, and gray year-round and rely on makeup for color.

    1. Ah, see, and I grew up somewhere with extreme seasonal variations, so it's not so exciting for me. Except it's always exciting to stop wearing the same pair of boots and the same coat after the many, many months of cold end. I have been moving toward less flashy, colorful clothing and accessories lately for whatever reason, but that seems to be all year round. We'll see what happens, I guess - I don't seem to be consciously in control of it haha
