
Thursday, July 30, 2015

Poll: What kinds of posts would you like to see?

When I started this blog, I posted about a wider variety of different things. All with a shopping and saving focus, but I wrote about clothes, household products, sometimes food, whatever. Gradually over time I have drifted to posting almost exclusively about beauty products (makeup, skin care, and hair care). But sometimes I think of other things I might write about, like t-shirts, or candles, or tea, or books. Would people be interested in reading posts like that again, or would they be boring to you or seem out of place?

NB: I am not talking about sponsored posts. I've never been approached to write one of those, and I doubt I ever will be. I'm not sure what could entice me to include sponsored posts on my blog. It would have to be a really interesting product and an agreement with the flexibility for me to be completely honest about what I think. So that's unlikely.

If you wouldn't mind filing out the poll, I'd appreciate it. I'm interested in seeing what people think. I want to write what comes naturally to me, but I also don't want to actually drive people away, because I have fun interacting with people here. And of course feel free to comment if you have any thoughts or suggestions!


Would you like to see more non-beauty posts on Cheap as F*ck?


  1. I voted "anything and everything" because (and I suspect this is true for a lot of the others who voted the same) though I mainly come here for beauty in terms of topics, the real key is your writing. So just keep being you, and I think you'll do just fine :)

    1. Oh, thank you! That is really nice to hear, since I enjoy writing this silly shit so much.

  2. I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't vote for the first option! Of course I love your beauty posts, but personally, I'd feel suffocated if I could only write about beauty, and I suspect the same is true for you.

    1. I seem to have ended up writing almost exclusively beauty stuff pretty naturally, since I was fixated on it for a while, and so it hasn't felt forced. But then I was thinking about other topics and realized how long it had been . . . and I wondered if I'd pigeon-holed myself. Thanks!

  3. I echo the other comments. I found you because of the beauty posts, but we share a lot of similar interests and opinions, so I'd enjoy other topics. Your style is bullshit-free and I appreciate that.

    1. Thank you! I appreciate your commenting. Yes, I'm not going to start writing about how much I love Ted Cruz or about chem trails or anything - should be in the same vein as usual.

  4. Anything and everything here, too! I tend to stay loyal to blogs that are written by people whose writing is entertaining and personalities interesting, and that makes anything that they write fun to read.

    1. I feel the same way about your writing! Thanks!

  5. You're funny as fuck! Although I have to admit that few household, non beauty items are as excitement inducing as cheap and good make up. :p

    1. Thank you for saying so! I promise I won't write about toilet paper or aluminum foil. (Probably.)

  6. I come here for the beauty product posts, but I wouldn't mind reading your opinion on other things.
    By the way, I love your blog and I love that you don't do sponsored posts. Because if you say a product worked for you, I know that product worked for you (and not the other way around).

    1. No sponsored posts keeps me honest, definitely, though I can't pretend I'm righteously rejecting constant offers. (Unless you count the ones where I can win "a chance" at having my 5000 word post about how much I love Vegas shared on some random website. LOLNO.) No one wants to risk sponsoring a post in which I call something shit!

  7. Running the risk of repeating what others said, I'm still going to say it. I discovered your blog because of beauty posts, and that's what I'm still most interested in. However, I've grown to really like you writing. You are witty and funny and honest, and those are great qualities for a blogger (or a human being in general). So, I'm going to keep coming here even if your blog won't be focused on beauty.

    1. Thank you! It didn't occur to me that I would get all of these supportive comments on this post, but they are making me a little warm and fuzzy. It's not my usual attitude. :) I'm really glad people read and, especially, comment, because I learn a lot that way.
