
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Meta-blogging/Navel Gazing/Rebranding

I've been casually thinking about changing the name of my blog for a while. Not for any particular purpose - it just doesn't feel like it fits as well as it used to. Sure, I'm still cheap. That's who I am. And who doesn't like profanity? (Well, a lot of people, I suppose.) I'm not sure this label completely fits what I'm writing about these days or they way I'm writing about it.

It's not that it was ever inauthentic, but you may have noticed a decrease in the gratuitous use of the word "fuck." Or even the judicial use of the word "fuck." The swearing wasn't forced, but it was a writing persona, obviously. It was a lot of fun at the beginning, and now I'm getting a bit bored with it. Still, sometimes you just fucking need to say fuck to make your fucking point, right? (Okay, breathe.)

In addition, the focus of most of my posts when I started out used to be "buy this shit" or "don't buy this shit." Pretty straightforward. It's a little different now. I am still interested in avoiding needless spending, and not buying expensive things when there are equally useful inexpensive options, and beauty marketing, and the value - as far as that can be defined - of various products, but, like . . . you can buy whatever you want. I'm not going to tell you what to do. I suppose it's become a little more reflective and a little less prescriptive. It's also almost exclusively focused on beauty stuff now, which it wasn't necessarily at the outset.

So where does that leave me? Reasonable as Heck?

I don't have any better blog titles in mind, so for the time being CAF will remain. (Suggestions anyone?) I suppose I once had a "brand," but since I am less interested in having one now, that makes "rebranding" more difficult. Also, if I change the title, then do I have to change everything else? The URL? All my social media accounts? I'm getting bored and tired just thinking about it.

At least I can say that I am not getting bored with blogging in general. It's still fun, and it's still evolving, but what do you do when the contents don't feel like they fit the box you originally put them in?


  1. I say stick with the original name. You've built a brand and a following around it. It's memorable and it's cheeky. And who gives a fuck if you swear less in your blog posts now? I would be sad to see it go.

    1. Thanks! Glad you like it and it isn't just annoying. Redesign couldn't hurt, but that's a whole other level of inspiration I also don't currently have. But maybe it's the yelling lady that's irritating me, since I'm not yelling as much myself. (Just a little bit.)

  2. PS: maybe you just need a little blog refresh rather than a total name overhaul? A new design might make you feel differently.

  3. I like being cheap as fuck. :(

  4. I understand your thinking. I was considering changing blog name as well. I like how Beauty In a Jar sounds, but by now we all know (thanks to Paula Begoun) that jar packaging is terrible for beauty products. I got to the point "should I change URL and social media accounts".... I'm getting tired just typing it, lol. So I say keep the name even if it doesn't reflect exactly what you are blogging about. Blogs (and bloggers) evolve, change and (hopefully) grow over time. It's expected. And changing the name of your blog every time you deviate from your theme seems pointless and exhausting.

    1. I like your blog name! Cream eyeshadows and liners come in jars, and they're fine, so you could just think if it that way.

  5. Changing your blog name is hard. I don't know how much you care about this, but changing the URL with mess your shit up in google. I think it's pretty easy to change your handles on Twitter, Instagram and Bloglovin though? Maybe the "f" in cheapasf could stand for something else. Cheap as (I) feel like?

    1. That's a good point. Not that I have amazing stats or anything!

  6. Hmmm... maybe shorten the name to Cheap as F. Don't need to type out "fuck" every time but it stays close to the roots. I've gotten used to this being your name but would gladly follow no matter what you named the blog. I was in the same place for the past few years and my name makes no sense anymore, but it's what people know me as and I don't care anymore that the "brand" is fuzzy. I also fear that a redesign would result in looking more cookie cutter, try as I might to be unique in the ocean of blogs. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

    1. I have been thinking of "F*ck" but maybe just F would work too, since the kids are all saying things like "old af" these days. I did a poll a couple of years ago to see if people would prefer a censored title so that they could visit the blog at work, etc. A few people said yes, but most people said it didn't matter. But even I'm not really comfortable clicking on my own blog at work as it is, ha.

      I agree with you on the redesign too. It's hard to find something attractive and unique. I like my yelling lady, but it's not exactly a sleek, clean design.

    2. I never had a problem visiting your blog at work (at least not yet). And our IT department is a bit "conservative" as my colleague pointed out. I mean there was a instance when we couldn't see ads that we were running, because they kept getting blocked by our security system. The system classified them as too... hmm... risque.

  7. I just recently discovered your blog, and I love the name. It makes you stand out from a score of other, blander blogs. I see keep it, or something similar. "F*ck" keeps the general feel, at least.
