
Monday, April 27, 2015

Complainy Monday: Come Bitch With Me

It's not alliterative, but do you think I can make #CMCBWM take off? No? Probably not. Anyway, this is not a post where I recommend something to you or show you anything helpful. It's a mostly just a self-indulgent post where I complain, and I invite you to complain too. Positive thinking is more of a Saturday thing. (If it's no longer Monday by the time you see this, complain anyway!)

Here's my thing: my skin fucking sucks right now, and it's really annoying. The texture is bad, lines are becoming wrinkles, pores are clogged, breakouts won't fucking die. I guess those are things I complained about late last winter/spring too. So maybe it's seasonal? But added to those, this year I have a new treat: dry patches! Hooray for aging! At least I think that's what's causing the dry flaky skin under my eyes that I've never dealt with before. My nose is a disaster of dryness, too. Usually some Smith's Rosebud Salve every night keeps it under control, but the last 2-3 weeks, it's an unrelenting mess. And chapped lips. I am a delight to behold, let me tell you.

I don't know if it's the weather (but don't these seem more like winter than spring issues?), or stress, or aging, or slacking off on the sunscreen (there was a lot of 6 am rushing and skipping real sunscreen in favor of SPF 20 tinted moisturizer this winter), or the fact that everyone in my fucking apartment complex smokes even though it's not allowed and that can't be good for anything. Or all of the above.

Anyway, hopefully I will figure something out, because right now I'm just frowning in the mirror a lot and that's only making the lines deeper. Until them I am moisturizing like a maniac.

Now you go. Any beauty problems frustrating you these days? Anything else pissing you off? Let it all out.


  1. I love the idea of CMCBWM! Though I do agree that it's lacking something as an acronym.

    I have also been suffering from (it seems like perpetual) skin woes, primarily of the breaking out/oily variety, but the past couple weeks I've been battling hardcore chapped lips (and it's not even cold here! Or dry! YOU HAVE NO EXCUSE LIPS). And my derm put me on retinol again, and even though I've been going suuuuper slooooow with adding it in, I'm still getting some irritation and flaking. Which, since my foundation (Matchmaster) is geared towards oily skin, just makes for a delightful complexion.

    Also, experiment not coming out sig = bad news bears and GROUCHY AMY. I'm working on follow-ups to try and get something to publish, but it's requiring me to learn more programming and while I know that's a useful life/career skill, that's small comfort when my program ISN'T WORKING WHY AREN'T YOU WORKING YOU WERE FINE YESTERDAY. (More of a problem with R, which seems to occasionally go through panic attacks and decide to spit out a bunch of error messages, but I know how to do more things in R than Python [and there's some things one can only do in R], so I have to try and play nice and not smash my computer to smithereens.)

    Lastly, and this is just the most ridiculous complaint, I dyed my hair pink and it's pissing me off that it infects my nail polish. I've had to switch to just Nail Envy (because my nails are the most fragile, pathetic little creatures without anything) and it's a perpetual state of light pink. Better than it could be (green-tinted nails are enough to scare me away from trying green hair ever), but: I miss my craziculous glitter.

    I hope your skin starts behaving itself again soon! And that your neighbors maybe try nicotine patches?

    1. I hate when skin does opposite things at the same time and fixing one exacerbates the other one(s). HELP ME HELP YOU, Face! Like slathering thick creams on my nose is probably making the pores worse, but what else can I do right now?

      I never thought about hair dye and nails, though I guess even dying my hair fairly natural shades of red sometimes makes my nails look dirty, so that makes sense. If I understand what you're saying, it's that they turn pink when you wash your hair? It would probably be way too annoying to wear gloves just to wash your hair, right? Those are all very legit complaints.

      I'm not even going to get into work-related complaining, because I should be grateful to have a job. Being grateful is bullshit. But also I'm grading this time of year, so all of my complaining would just be a big cliché.

    2. Being grateful IS bullshit, ha! (I mean, it's great and all, and lately I've been walking around in a frequent glow of gratefulness for all the good things in my life, but sometimes you just want to bitch!)

      And yes, the polished nails absorb the dye when I shampoo/condition/style my hair. Wearing gloves would be a good solution (did not even occur to me, because sometimes I am not very smart), but I shower in the morning, and usually it's all I can do to remember to rinse off my soap, so I'd give put the likelihood of me actually managing to use gloves at about 1:10, heh.

    3. Oh, I definitely wouldn't be able to deal with gloves in the morning either. In fact, I can't even bring myself to shower when I have to work early in the morning. I have to do it the night before.

  2. I feel like the hashtag could be Bitch With Me Monday - that's got a bit of alliteration?
    My beauty bitch for the day (it's Tuesday, but I didn't get to my reader til today) is that in the last year or so, my face has, without actually changing its normal oily character (and without any changes from me - I don't take care of my skin, but I don't wear makeup either, and neither of those are new), begun peeling off in horrible scaly patches, and breaking out in tiny pinhead-sized whiteheads on my cheeks. I suspect rosacea, because I also have red cheeks and some broken capillaries, and it runs in the family, but I'm not going to see a professional about it for a while yet because a) I already have enough doctor visits on a regular basis (chronic illness) and b) whatever they want me to do would involve by definition also putting in the effort to properly take care of my skin and I don't know if I could get myself to do it so it's a waste - and besides I should probably try "actually doing shit" first and see if that helps too.

    oh, and today I have one toothpick-sized strand of hair that keeps sticking straight up no matter what I do.

    1. Let's complain all week! That sounds really frustrating. I don't understand what causes changes like this. What is going on inside the body for the skin to decide to suddenly behave differently? I'm with you on things that would probably improve with effort, but nevertheless not being able to get yourself to do it. I like to play with skincare crap, so that's not an issue for me, but there are certainly other annoyances in my life that feel like they could be fixed with a little effort, but I can't manage to scrounge it up.

    2. I approve of Week Of Complaining! It's annoying, but I'm lucky in that my skin isn't sensitive in any other ways, so I can just try stuff at random and the worst that happens is it doesn't work, rather than a major reaction. (And the can't find the effort thing, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one - you'd think ADHD and a fatigue disorder would cancel each other out, but instead you get motivation killer multipliers instead...)

  3. #CMCBWM seems like as good of a use of hashtags as any. Skin is annoying. Is it possible that you're over-exfoliating? I ended up reducing the number of times per week I was using chemical exfoliants because it was making my skin look a little rough and scary. Things are better now. But aging sucks... my #CMCBWM is that I'm starting to get a lot more fine lines around my eyes now, which makes it harder to apply concealer. LIFE IS SO HARD, SOB CRY SOB.

    1. Hmmm, maybe! I have been thinking maybe I need to exfoliate more, but what if it's less? MY FACE IS CONFUSING ME. I will have to think about that. I definitely also have more wrinkles under my eyes from just the past 6 months, and it's throwing me off my concealer game too.
